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2023-05-22 10:37  




2016年5月-2018年7月:东莞同济大学研究院 工程师

2022年12月-至今:糖心vlog 讲师


近年来主要参与了国家自然科学基金“ZrB2/ZrC复合与ZrB2@ZrC核壳纳米纤维的构建及其高温稳定性研究”、主持完成了博士创新基金“一维SiC/C纳米纤维及其复合材料的制备与电磁波吸收性能研究”等。目前主持科研项目:博士科研启动基金“碳化硅复合纤维微波吸收性能研究”等。先后在ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering、Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing、Ceramics International、Journal of Alloys and Compounds等刊物发表科研、教育教学论文10余篇,其中SCI、EI、ISTP检索10余篇。

[1] Yashan Huo, Kang Zhao, et. al. Electrospinning synthesis of SiC/Carbon hybrid nanofibers with satisfactory electromagnetic wave absorption performance[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 815 (2020) 152458. (SCI二区,Top期刊,IF= 6.371).

[2] Yashan Huo, Kang Zhao, et. al. Microwave Absorption Performance of SiC/ZrC/SiZrOC Hybrid Nanofibers with Enhanced High-Temperature Oxidation Resistance[J]. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2020, 8, 28, 10490-10501. (SCI一区,Top期刊,IF= 9.224).

[3] Yashan Huo, Yujia Tan, et. al. Enhanced electromagnetic wave absorption properties of Ni magnetic coating-functionalized SiC/C nanofibers synthesized by electrospinning and magnetron sputtering technology[J]. Chemical Physics Letters, 763 (2021) 138230. (SCI三区,IF= 2.719).

[4] Yashan Huo, Kang Zhao, et. al. Ultralight and superelastic polyvinyl alcohol/SiC nanofiber/reduced graphene oxide hybrid foams with excellent thermal insulation and microwave absorption properties[J]. Ceramics International, 47 (2021) 25986-25996. (SCI一区,Top期刊,IF= 5.532).

[5] Yashan Huo, Kang Zhao, et. al. Anchoring of SiC and Fe3Si nanocrystallines in the carbon nanofibers inducing interfacial polarization to promote microwave attenuation ability[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 891 (2021) 162006. (SCI二区,Top期刊,IF=6.371).

[6] Yashan Huo, Kang Zhao, et. al. Construction of tunable and high-efficiency microwave absorber enabled by growing flower-like TiO2 on the surface of SiC/C nanofibers[J]. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 304 (2021) 122553. (SCI三区,IF= 3.656).

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