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2023-05-22 10:23  




2021年12月-2022年12月:糖心vlog 讲师

2022年12月-至今:糖心vlog 副教授


中国硅酸盐学会会员、中国仪表功能材料学会电子元器件关键材料与技术专业委员会委员、清华大学《Journal of Advanced Ceramics》期刊青年博士审稿团成员。




近来主要参与了JW基金项目“可调型压电气凝胶复合结构智能材料基础研究”等。目前主持科研项目:延安大学博士启动金项目“KSr2Nb5O15基陶瓷光学性能研究”。指导大学生创新创业训练计划项目1项。先后发表SCI论文40余篇,其中,第一作者或通讯作者身份在Journal of the European Ceramic Society,Journal of Materiomics,Journal of Materials Chemistry C, Ceramics International,Journal of Alloys and Compounds等国际学术期刊发表SCI论文多篇(>15);授权中国发明专利4项。部分代表性学术成果:


[1] Shuyao Cao*, Qirui Zou, Qingqing Wang, Weiguo Wang, Lei Chen, Ting Liu, Jie Xu, Qiwei Zhang, Feng Gao*, KSr2Nb5O15-based composite ceramics: The atomic-scale anisotropic origin of photochromism and influences of second phase concentrations on optical properties, Ceramics International, 2023, 49: 18470-18482.

[2] Shuyao Cao*, Qingqing Wang, Weiguo Wang*, Gangling Hao, Jie Xu, Qiwei Zhang, Feng Gao*, A novel modification strategy for photochromic KSr2Nb5O15-based ceramics by establishing a heterojunction band structure, Ceramics International, 49(5) (2023) 8398-8408.


[1] Shuyao Cao, Jiatong Zhu, Qian Chen, Junting Liu, Changying Wu, Leilei Li, Jie Xu*, Haixue Yan*, Feng Gao*, Exploration about superior anti-counterfeiting ability of Sm3+ doped KSr2Nb5O15 photochromic ceramics: Origin and atomic-scale mechanism, Journal of Materiomics, 8(1) (2022) 38-46. (22年11月入选Materials Science领域ESI高被引论文)

[2] Zongmo Shi*, Junzhan Zhang, Jian Wei*, Xing Hou, Shuyao Cao*, Sijie Tong, Shangyi Liu, Ying Zhang, A-site deficiency improved the thermoelectric performance of high-entropy perovskite manganite-based ceramics, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 10(41) (2022) 15582-15592.

[3] Chan He†, Shuyao Cao, Weiguo Wang*, Gangling Hao, Electrical conductivity and oxygen relaxation behavior in BaBi1xSrxNb5O15δ tungsten bronze ceramics, Dalton Transactions, 51 (2022) 16403-16411.

[4] Shuyao Cao*, Gangling Hao, Lei Chen, Xiaoying Feng, Qian Chen, Jie Xu, Li Jin*, Feng Gao*, Enhanced ferroelectric relaxation behaviors of KSr2Nb5O15-based ceramics by A-site entropy-engineering, Materials Letters, 326 (2022) 132923.

[5] Shuyao Cao, Xiaoying Feng, Qian Chen, Yiting Guo, Duo Teng*, Yuhang Yang, Yiwei Liu, Jie Xu, Feng Gao*, Microstructures and luminescent properties of Sm3+-doped KSr2Nb5O15 prepared by molten salt synthesis method, Physica Status Solid A-Applications and Materials Science, 219(5) (2022) 2100738.


[1] Shuyao Cao, Qian Chen, Yangping Li, Changying Wu, Jie Xu, Guanghua Cheng, Feng Gao*, Novel strategy for the enhancement of anti-counterfeiting ability of photochromic ceramics: Sm3+ doped KSr2Nb5O15 textured ceramics with anisotropic luminescence modulation behavior, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 41(9) (2021) 4923-4933.

[2] Shuyao Cao, Jie Xu, Li Jin*, Jia Zhao, Zhida Ma, Qian Chen, Junting Liu, Feng Gao*, Microstructure and bidirectional dielectric tunability behaviour of Nd3+-doped KSr2Nb5O15 lead-free ceramics, Journal of Materiomics, 7(5) (2021) 976-987.

[3] Shuyao Cao, Qian Chen, Yangping Li, Changying Wu, Xiaoying Feng, Jie Xu, Guanghua Cheng, Feng Gao*, Influence of Sm3+ doping on the relaxation behaviors of KSr2Nb5O15 ferroelectric ceramics and the luminescence modulation effect by polarization engineering, Ceramics International, 47(14) (2021) 20286-20297.

[4] Shuyao Cao, Qian Chen, Yangping Li, Changying Wu, Xiaoying Feng, Jie Xu, Guanghua Cheng, Feng Gao*. Grain-Orientation dependence about luminescence modulation behavior upon electric polarization in Sm3+ doped KSr2Nb5O15 textured ceramics, Materials Letters, 295 (2021) 129866.


[1] Shuyao Cao, Qian Chen, Junting Liu, Changying Wu, Leilei Li, Jie Xu, Guanghua Cheng, Feng Gao*, A novel photochromic ceramics with reversible luminescence modulation and light bleaching behavior: Sm3+-doped KSr2Nb5O15, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 40(15) (2020) 6061-6072.

[2] Shuyao Cao, Qian Chen, Junting Liu, Changying Wu, Leilei Li, Jie Xu, Guanghua Cheng, Feng Gao*, Luminescence modulation behavior upon in-situ electric field of Sm3+ doped KSr2Nb5O15 ferroelectric ceramics, Materials Letters, 281 (2020) 128613.

[3] Shuyao Cao, Feng Gao*, Jie Xu, Jihong Zhu, Qian Chen, Yiting Guo, Leilei Li, Junting Liu, Tong Gao, Emilia Pawlikowska, Mikolaj Szafran, Guanghua Cheng*, Photochromic effect of transparent lead-free ferroelectric KSr2Nb5O15 ceramics, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 39(16) (2019) 5260-5266.

[4] Shuyao Cao, Qingju Ning*, Chenglong Yu, Changjun Qiao Yongsheng Shi, Renchen Liu, NaSr2Nb5O15:0.03Eu3+ phosphors via the molten salt synthesis: Morphology evolution and luminescence properties, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 691 (2017) 323-338.




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